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Supreme Court Reform

Rev. Jim Ball

By Jim Ball

Evangelicals For Harris (EFH) strongly endorses Vice President Kamala Harris’s call for Supreme Court reform.

President Biden and I strongly believe that the American people must have confidence in the Supreme Court,” she said in a statement. “Yet today, there is a clear crisis of confidence facing the Supreme Court as its fairness has been called into question after numerous ethics scandals and decision after decision overturning long-standing precedent.”

supreme court

President Biden’s reforms include: (1) 18-year term limits; (2) a binding code of conduct for Justices, and; (3) an amendment to the Constitution called the “No One Is Above The Law” Amendment to overrule a very dangerous recent Court ruling written by Chief Justice John Roberts.

The Vice President said reform is necessary to “restore confidence in the Court, strengthen our democracy, and ensure no one is above the law.” 

Because of Roberts’s terrible ruling, Harris said reform is particularly needed to make sure “that no former President has immunity for crimes committed while in the White House.”

The Court’s dangerous ruling would turbocharge Mr. Trump’s authoritarian impulses and plans, greenlighting even crimes like assissination of political rivals.

Currently there is only one solution to this dangerous possibility: elect Kamala Harris President of the United States.  

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